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University of Bristol School of Education

The home of The Bristol Guide and two toolkits that help busy education professionals. The Bristol Guide is a comprehensive guide to the English education system, outlining professionals’ duties, legal responsibilities, and rights. The EPRS and Core Content Framework toolkits summarise leading reports and provide lesson plans related to them. Visit the website for details or contact us on eprs-admin@bristol.ac.uk

The home of The Bristol Guide and two toolkits that help busy education professionals. The Bristol Guide is a comprehensive guide to the English education system, outlining professionals’ duties, legal responsibilities, and rights. The EPRS and Core Content Framework toolkits summarise leading reports and provide lesson plans related to them. Visit the website for details or contact us on eprs-admin@bristol.ac.uk
EPRS Toolkit: Educator Research Resource

EPRS Toolkit: Educator Research Resource

The EPRS Toolkit: Educator Research Resource 2024-2025 is a resource bank for all who want to use the EPRS database as a teaching resource. It contains suggestions for using the reports and a series of discussion sheets based on key report summaries covering subject-specific and wider curriculum interests. It is updated annually and includes, an index of key reports by subject. The full toolkit contains fifty activities/lesson plans broken down by subject or theme. It also includes a list of curriculum-focused EPRS reports to use with our database. The toolkit is available to purchase in full or in packs separated by subject/theme.
Core Content Framework (CCF) Toolkit

Core Content Framework (CCF) Toolkit

The Core Content Framework (CCF) toolkit contains an overview of the 139 research articles with a brief summary of the content and a quality grading. For each Teachers’ Standard, there are two summaries of research articles and two discussion/question sheets. Students and/or staff can be tasked with reading a research summary and preparing the questions which they then discuss in groups. Using the toolkit will ensure that your training is aligned with the CCF. The toolkit is available to purchase complete (this pack) with activities, without activities, or by teaching standards.They are all available on this store.